
The Gnomon Workshop - How to make a Creature with Character
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The Gnomon Workshop - How to make a Creature with Character


Ian Joyner 拥有超过 15 年的行业经验,为漫威影业等设计角色和生物,他展示了他完整的设计工作流程,重点关注可信的解剖学、历史和故事的重要性。

该课程从使用免费在线工具PureRef最重要的参考收集阶段开始,以及如何创建可以帮助集中和指导工作的角色概要。伊恩为这个工作坊决定了一个太空海盗、赏金猎人风格的角色,他从一个简单的领域开始了ZBrush的雕刻工作。Ian 在雕刻时融合了动物和人类元素,讨论了他最信任的工具和画笔,并分享了笔记和行业技巧,因为他将角色的头部和躯干构建成一个完全实现的模型。



时间: 182 分钟

格式: HD 1920x1080





This three-hour workshop teaches how to create a creature design with the kind of character and personality traits that can evolve with a story throughout a movie or game. With over 15 years of industry experience designing characters and creatures for Marvel Studios and many more, Ian Joyner presents his complete design workflow with a focus on the importance of believable anatomy, history, and story.

The class begins with the all-important reference-gathering stage using the free online tool, PureRef, as well as how to create a character synopsis that can help focus and guide efforts. Deciding on a space-pirate, bounty-hunter-style character for this workshop, Ian kicks off the sculpting in ZBrush, working from a simple sphere. Fusing animal and human elements as he sculpts, Ian discusses his most-trusted tools and brushes, and shares notes and industry tips as he builds out the character’s head and torso into a fully realized model.

Moving into Photoshop next, Ian shows how costume designs can be explored in 2D before sculpting them in 3D. Using masking techniques in ZBrush, Ian builds up armor over the character as one piece. He also details how KeyShot can be used as part of the pipeline to render images that can be painted over in Photoshop for further design and color exploration. Blender is then taught as the main tool for retopologizing the hard-surface armor parts as well as how to use ZBrush’s own retopology tools.

Once satisfied with the final pass on the sculpt, KeyShot is used to render out the character before taking it into Photoshop for the last time. Here, the final paint-over takes the design through to a film- or game-ready concept ready to present to a client or director.

Duration: 182 Minutes

Format: HD 1920x1080

标签: blender 建模 渲染 教程 zb zbrush keyshot 外星人 科幻人物
分类:教程 > 3D教程 > ZBrush
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2023/7/5 15:03:45 | 更新时间:2023/7/5 15:09:18

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