
The One Lut - iPhone 15
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The One Lut - iPhone 15

iPhone 的问题

我们在 iPhone 上拍摄了几个项目,但总觉得最终结果,即使在调色之后,看起来还是有点不自然。苹果的标准 Rec709 外观过于饱和,曲线咄咄逼人,肤色也很人造。 iPhone 拍摄的视频有一种“油画”的感觉。 而不是一个好办法。

在 iPhone 15 Pro 发布之前,由于幕后发生的复杂算法图像处理,苹果的成像流程产生了不可预测的结果。这将覆盖手动曝光并机会性地通过算法调整场景的局部区域。 这使得无法为 iPhone 实现真正准确的 Arri LUT。


iPhone 15 Pro Lut 克服了这些限制,这要归功于 Apple Log 的实现,它完全绕过动态色调映射算法,每次都为我们提供一致且已知的伽玛曲线。这是移动电影制作的游戏规则改变者。

现在所有变量都已删除,我们可以准确地分析 iPhone 15 Pro 传感器并创建与 Arri Alexa 的一致匹配。

我们将 iPhone 15 Pro 与 Arri Alexa 电影摄影机并排进行了现场测试,以创建一个与 Alexa 的色彩响应和令人愉悦的肤色相匹配的 LUT,并在任何照明条件下在 iPhone 上提供最具电影感的图像。

我们对 LUT 进行了建模,以匹配 Arri 的官方 Alexa K1S1 Rec 709 LUT。 Arri 为他们的相机制作了一个 LUT,所以所见即所得。 我们对 iPhone 15 Pro/Pro Max 也做了同样的事情。 你所看到的就是你得到的。


The problem with iPhones

We’ve shot several projects on the iPhone and always felt the end result, even after grading, looked a little unnatural.

Apple’s standard Rec709 look is too saturated, the curve is aggressive, and the skin tones are artificial. iPhone footage has an ‘oil painting’ look to it. And not in a good way.

Prior to the release of the iPhone 15 Pro, Apple’s imaging pipeline yielded unpredictable results due to the complex algorithmic image processing occuring behind the scenes. 

This would override manual exposure and opportunistically adjust locals areas of the scene algorithmically. This made it impossible to achieve a truly accurate Arri LUT for the iPhone.

The solution.

The iPhone 15 Pro series overcomes these limitations thanks to the implementation of Apple Log which bypasses the dynamic tone-mapping algorithm completely and gives us a consistent and known gamma curve, every time. 

This is a game-changer for mobile filmmaking.

Now that all variables have been removed, we can accurately profile the iPhone 15 Pro sensor and create a consistent match to the Arri Alexa. 

We tested the iPhone 15 Pro side by side with the Arri Alexa cinema camera and on location to create a LUT that matches the Alexa’s colour response and pleasing skin tones and delivers the most cinematic image possible on an iPhone, in any lighting condition.  

We’ve modelled our LUT to match Arri’s official Alexa K1S1 Rec 709 LUT. Arri made one LUT for their camera so what you see is what you get. We’ve done the same thing for the iPhone 15 Pro/Pro Max. What you see is what you get. 

No LUT packs for different conditions, no more oil paintings, just The One LUT. 

标签: 调色 预设 后期 色彩 lut 苹果 iphone
分类:资源 > 2D资源 > 调色预设文件
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2024/3/15 20:26:13 | 更新时间:2024/3/15 20:33:54

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